Face Meets Pavement

The other day, my 5 year old son’s face met the pavement. We were walking to the bus stop and I saw him going down. Despite the countless warnings of this exact scenario happening, his hands were in his pockets. While only minor road rash face injuries were sustained, he was certainly upset and required some care before heading to school. We went back home and I snuggled him and assessed what the damage was. While I did that, my 9 year old was getting his brother’s favorite blanket, pillow, and stuffed animal to provide comfort. He grabbed supplies and ran a washcloth under cold water. He applied the Band-Aids, set my little guy up cozily, and put the cold washcloth on his forehead without my help or direction. I witnessed my older son doing exactly what I have done for him so many times.

While not an especially momentous event, I reflected on it several times that day and the next. I was thankful to have had my helper and was proud of him for coming to the rescue. It made me realize not only do I love to nurture, I love to see others nurture. I felt proud that I had unknowingly been teaching him and he felt capable of coming to the emotional and physical aid of his little brother. It made me realize how this parallels to the role of postpartum doula. It’s not my objective to do it all for you. I want to educate and model for you so you can do it yourself and feel confident in the parenting journey.


When Plans Don’t Go As Planned